Launch of the new website “RaumIntelligenzFörderung 3.0” (RIF 3.0) at https://adi3d.at/rif30/en/
The learning platform RIF 3.0 is online and can be used free by all teachers and their students.
RIF 3.0 offers:
– the possibility to work with different digital devices (PC, tablet, smartphone),
– more than 1,500 interactive tasks,
– a new section with tasks for primary school students,
– extended possibility to retrieve results for classes and for individual students,
– German (https://adi3d.at/rif30), English (https://adi3d.at/rif30/en/) and Spanish (https://adi3d.at/rif30/es/)
– modern new design … and much more.
RIF 3.0 has been developed, among others, with the help of the MSCA-ITN project SellSTEM of the European Union with a total of about 30 contributors.
And now let’s go! Have fun with the platform!
RIF Stats
RIF Stats
Introduction materials for the three main views (top view, front view, and side view):
- Introduction slides for top view, front view, and side view:
(Download: pptx) - Illustration of the plane and spatial arrangement:
(Download: pdf) - Interactive 3D-pdf of the spatial demonstration object:
(Downlaod: 3D-pdf). In order to enable the interactive movements of the demonstration object, usually the 3D-pdf must be downloaded and then viewed using the Adobe Reader (download).

The Eight Basic Elements of Spatial Thinking:
- Visualization
- Form Constancy
- Position in Space
- Transformation in Space
- Object Combination
- Dynamic
- Fine Motor Skills
- Spatial Orientation
Duality of the Platonic Solids

The picture galleries presented here show works by students on various topics, which were created with a professional CAD software. By clicking on the title-photos you will be forwarded directly to the specific picture gallery.